Aizawl to Khajuraho Flights
Looking to book an Aizawl to Khajuraho flight? Adani One is just the right platform for you! The one-stop platform provides an airfare calendar with detailed flight information along with airfares. You can select the flight that best suits you. Major carriers, such as IndiGo, Air India, Vistara and SpiceJet, are listed on Adani One. To ensure that you get the discounted airfare and cashback offers on your flight booking, it is advisable to book your return ticket too. Presently, there are no direct flights from Aizawl to Khajuraho. The best and fastest option is to fly from Aizawl to Lucknow and travel from Lucknow Airport to Khajuraho, by road. There are several connecting flights between Aizawl and Lucknow with layovers in Kolkata, Guwahati, Agartala and New Delhi. The distance from Lucknow to Khajuraho is around 300 km, which takes approximately 6-7 hours to reach by road. Browse Adani One today to book your Aizawl to Lucknow flight ticket and get a chance to avail the best deals.
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Airport Information
Lengpui Airport, 796421, Mamit Rd, Lengpui, Mizoram 796421
Khajuraho Airport, Khajuraho Airport Terminal Rd, Khajuraho Airport Area, Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh 471606