Aizawl to Rajahmundry Flights
Want to fly from Aizawl to Rajahmundry? Greater flexibility and frequency are the two most significant elements that travellers look for when they are trying to book an air ticket. The airfare calendar on Adani One is designed to fulfil both needs. All you have to do is input your source and destination cities and your travel dates, and the Adani One platform will do the rest. If your itinerary is fixed, it’s better to book return tickets, as that will give you the maximum discounts.
There are no flights directly connecting Aizawl and Rajahmundry. The airports nearest to Rajahmundry are Vijayawada Airport (approximately 159 km) and Visakhapatnam Airport (approximately 191 km). However, there are no flights from Aizawl to either of these two destinations. So, the best way to reach Rajahmundry from Aizawl is to first take a flight to Hyderabad and then continue the journey by road. The distance of around 431 km between Rajahmundry and Hyderabad can be covered in around eight hours.
Currently, only two airlines, IndiGo and Air India, operate flights on this route. The shortest flying time is 4 hours and 50 minutes. The flight route from Aizawl to Hyderabad has at least one stopover in either Delhi or Kolkata. However, the flights are spread throughout the day, giving you flexible options to choose from.
Place to visit in Rajahmundry
Hills of Papikondalu
Rajahmundry ISKCON Temple
Road-cum-railway Bridge (Godavari Bridge)
Place to visit in Aizawl
Durtlang Hills
KV Paradise
Mizoram State Museum
Reiek Tlang
Solomon's Temple
Vantawng Falls
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Airport Information
Lengpui Airport, 796421, Mamit Rd, Lengpui, Mizoram 796421
Rajahmundry Airport, Madhurapudi, Andhra Pradesh 533103