Aizawl to Trichy Flights
Are you looking for an Aizawl to Tiruchirappalli flights? Adani One makes booking a flight simple through its one-stop platform so that you can focus on the important things in life. When looking for a flight, all you have to do is choose an Aizawl to Tiruchirappalli route and travel dates. Adani One takes care of the rest by searching for the cheapest flights between Aizawl to Tiruchirappalli and the ticket costs for those dates. The available flights, cheapest rates, timings, and flight duration for your search will then be displayed on the results page.Currently, there are no direct flights on the Aizawl to Tiruchirappalli route. To go from Aizawl to Tiruchirappalli, you need to take a flight from Aizawl to Guwahati and then fly to Chennai, and then head to Tiruchirappalli by road, train, or flight. There are also flights with layovers in New Delhi. Flights from Aizawl to Guwahati are as short as 45 minutes, while the shortest flight from Guwahati to Chennai is a little less than three hours. Once you have reached Chennai, you can travel to Tiruchirappali by train, which will take at least five hours, or drive by a cab, which will take about 6 hours. Alternatively, you can choose to take a flight from Chennai since there are several non-stop flights, which take roughly one hour to reach Tiruchirappalli.
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Airport Information
Lengpui Airport, 796421, Mamit Rd, Lengpui, Mizoram 796421
Tiruchirappalli International Airport, Old Terminal Building,Trichy Airport, Thirunagar, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620007