Aizawl to Tuticorin Flights
Looking for an Aizawl to Tuticorin flight? Everything you require is available right here at Adani One! Adani One offers the best deals and discounted airfares. You can access all the travel information on this ticket-booking platform as well. You can book your ticket in a few simple steps by entering your source and destination cities along with the date of travel. The platform displays an airfare calendar, by which you can select the cheapest flight option among a variety of airlines, such as IndiGo, Air India, AirAsia and others.There are no direct or indirect flights from Aizawl to Tuticorin. But there are connecting flights to Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram) International Airport (IATA code: TRV), the closest airport to Tuticorin. For your journey from Aizawl to Tuticorin, you can reach Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram) from Aizawl in a connecting flight, with a layover in Delhi, operated by IndiGo, and then , you can travel to Tuticorin by road. Tuticorin is 197 km or 5 hours by road from Trivandrum. You can take a bus or taxi from Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram). Get the cheapest flights from Aizawl to Trivandrum by booking at Adani One. Adani One provides great savings and exciting discounts on online ticket bookings to your favourite places. You can also check the status of your flight tickets online anytime. Book your tickets now at Adani One!
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Airport Information
Lengpui Airport, 796421, Mamit Rd, Lengpui, Mizoram 796421
Tuticorin Airport, Tuticorin, Airport Airport Road, Vagaikulam, Tamil Nadu 628103