Aizawl to Vidyanagar Flights
Do you need to book flights from Aizawl to Vidyanagar? You have landed on the right page! Whether it is an Aizawl to Vidyanagar flight or an Aizawl to Vidyanagar return flight, Adani’s one-stop platform displays a detailed flight calendar with fares to help you choose the best flights. You can choose from various domestic carriers such as Air India, Go First, SpiceJet, IndiGo, and AirAsia which are listed on the website. Currently, there are no direct flights from Aizawl to Vidyanagar. Therefore, the best way to travel from Aizawl to Vidyanagar is to fly to Bangalore and then go to Vidyanagar via bus or cab. The distance between Bangalore and Vidyanagar by road is about 328 km. Adani will display a list of the cheapest flights to help you get the lowest airfare. You can choose the most convenient flight with the best airfare deals and cashback offers. Book now to get the best flight deals on Adani!
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Airport Information
Lengpui Airport, 796421, Mamit Rd, Lengpui, Mizoram 796421
Jindal Vijaynagar Airport, 5JHH+97P, Kudligi Rd, Toranagallu, Karnataka 583123