Aurangabad to Pathankot Flights
Booking Aurangabad to Pathankot flights is now simple and easy with Adani One flight booking platform. Whether you’re planning to book Aurangabad to Pathankot flight tickets at low prices or a return ticket, Adani One can fulfil all your flight booking needs. The platform’s detailed airfare calendar will exhibit all information about Aurangabad to Pathankot flights, including the best discounts, latest offers, cashback options, and airfare deals. We recommend you book your return ticket from Pathankot to Aurangabad to get additional discounts. Be sure you check the flight status, duration, and other information before booking your flights. Book your Aurangabad to Pathankot flight on Adani One today!
There are no flights operating from Aurangabad to Pathankot. Passengers who wish to travel to Pathankot will have to fly from Aurangabad to Amritsar, which is the closest major airport to Pathankot. There are around three flights on the Aurangabad to Amritsar route, operated by Air India and IndiGo, with layovers in Mumbai and Delhi. Then, you can drive from Amritsar airport to Pathankot, which will take around 2 hours.
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Airport Information
Aurangabad Airport, Jalna Road, MIDC Industrial Area, Chilkalthana, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431006
Pathankot Airport, 6JFP+FHC, Pathankot, Punjab 145001