Bagdogra to Rewa Flights
Are you looking for flight tickets for the Bagdogra to Rewa route? Get great deals on airfares on Adani One, a leading one-stop flight booking destination, that offers cheaper flight tickets from Bagdogra to Rewa. Its airfare calendar shows the details of every flight from Bagdogra to Rewa. Adani One has most domestic and international airlines such as IndiGo, SpiceJet, Air India, and GoFirst listed on the platforms with really affordable airfares. Book return tickets if you know your travel dates and take advantage of massive price benefits. Adani One makes the prices of flight tickets affordable with new and updated cashback offers, discounted airfares, and flight ticket offers. Currently, there are no direct or connecting flights from Bagdogra to Rewa as the Rewa Airport is not operational at the moment. The best way to travel from Bagdogra to Rewa is to take a flight from Bagdogra to Lucknow. Then take another flight from Lucknow to Prayagraj or Prayagraj domestic airport. Finally, you can reach Rewa by taking a bus or can from Prayagraj to Rewa. Currently, there are several flights from Bagdogra to Lucknow. The flight duration from Bagdogra to Lucknow is around 7 hours with one stop and layover either at Kolkata or Delhi. The next leg of the journey is from a direct flight from Lucknow to Prayagraj, the travel duration of which is around 50 min. After reaching Prayagraj airport, take a cab or bus to reach Rewa by road, which will take 3 hours. Several trains also run from Prayagraj to Rewa which takes 3 to 5 hours to reach Rewa. There is a second option of taking a flight from Bagdogra to Delhi airport and then taking another flight from Delhi to Prayagraj. The total flight time with this option can be a minimum duration of 4-5 hours. The number of daily flights on this route is limited. After reaching Prayagraj, you can take the road or train to reach Rewa in 3-5 hours. The airlines operating on this route for both options are Air India, IndiGo, Go First, and SpiceJet.
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Airport Information
M8PG+25X, Distt. Darjeeling Siliguri, Bagdogra, West Bengal 734421
Rewa airport, G63F+V2C, Chorhata, Agdal, Madhya Pradesh 486006