Coimbatore to Ludhiana Flights
Looking to fly from Coimbatore to Ludhiana? End your search with Adani One! Adani’s flight ticket booking platform is here to make the process faster and hassle-free for you. Find all the major airlines in one place. Now, easily compare the timings and cost of flight tickets for your next journey in one place with Adani’s airfare calendar. Just enter the relevant destinations with travel dates, and the platform will display prompt results, listed by costing. When booking with Adani One, you can also enjoy additional discounts and special deals to make your travel more economical. If you have a specific date in mind, book your return tickets in advance, and you may unlock additional airfare discounts and cashback offers.As there are no direct or connecting flights from Coimbatore to Ludhiana, passengers can fly to Chandigarh and travel to Ludhiana by road. Chandigarh Airport is 104 km from Ludhiana and can be reached by road in around 2 hours. Although there are no direct flights between Coimbatore and Chandigarh, several connecting flights fly on this route. The shortest flight on this route is 10 hours and 40 minutes long and includes a 6 hours and 15 minutes layover in Bangalore. IndiGo operates this flight.By consulting Adani's airfare calendar, you can stay updated about the latest deals, flight schedules, and airfares before your next trip.
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Airport Information
Coimbatore International Airport, Airport Road, Peelamedu - Pudur Main Rd, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641014
Ludhiana Airport, VX24+J22, Sahnewal, Punjab 141120