Dimapur to Pathankot Flights
Booking a flight from Pathankot to Dimapur?Then you are in the right place. Book your tickets on Adani One. Whether it is a Dimapur to Pathankot flight or Pathankot to Dimapur flight, Adani will give you an airfare calendar to help you choose the best flight. Moreover, you can book flights at the best prices and get deals and cashback on Adani One. All major domestic carriers like Air India, SpiceJet, AirAsia, and IndiGo are listed on the platform.There are no direct or connecting flights between Dimapur and Pathankot at the moment. Therefore, a viable option is to first take a flight from Dimapur to Amritsar. There are approximately 4 flights daily from Dimapur to Amritsar. All of them are connecting flights that have a brief layover at major cities like Delhi and Guwahati. IndiGo and Air India are the leading carriers on this route. From Amritsar, one has to take another flight to Pathankot. There are approximately 2 direct flights from Amritsar to Pathankot. IndiGo, Vistara, and Air India are the leading carriers on this route. Alternatively, Amritsar and Pathankot are about 115 km apart and the journey can be covered by road in just about 2 hours. Travel to your dream destination by having a look at the airfare calendar on Adani's platform.
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Airport Information
Dimapur Airport, 3rd Mile, Dimapur, Nagaland 797112
Pathankot Airport, 6JFP+FHC, Pathankot, Punjab 145001