Gaya to Diu Flights
Looking for a flight from Gaya to Diu? Visit Adani One for the best flight booking experience. Adani One is very easy to use. It shows all details for your route, including the number of daily flights, date and time of the flights, layovers, etc. Moreover, the platform displays available offers like cashback, discount coupons and more to give you the best value for your money. To get started, simply enter the source and destination cities, and all the information will be displayed on your screen right away.There is no direct flight from Gaya to Diu, but you can hop from one flight to another. First, you would have to take a flight from Gaya to Mumbai, which would take around 7 to 11 hours. From Mumbai, you would have to take a direct flight to Diu. There is only one Mumbai to Diu flight available daily, which takes about 1 hour, and is operated by Alliance Air. Do remember that there is only one flight from Mumbai to Diu, so you would have to plan your Gaya to Mumbai flight accordingly. If you find this route inconvenient, do not worry. On Adani One, you will be able to book both flights in a hassle-free way.
Place to visit in Diu
Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple
INS Khukri Memorial
Nagoa Beach
Naida Caves
Zampa Gateway
Place to visit in Gaya
Bodhi Tree
Mahabodhi Temple
Thai Monastery
Tibetan Monastery
Vishnupad Temple
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Airport Information
Gaya International Airport, International airport, Bodh Gaya, Bihar 823004
Diu Airport, PW7G+82G, Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 362570