Jalgaon to Ahmedabad Flights
Are you planning to travel from Jalgaon to Ahmedabad? Some carriers currently offer direct and indirect flights from Jalgaon to Ahmedabad. One of them is Trujet, which runs at a frequency of once a week. Find all the details about the Jalgaon to Ahmedabad flights here. From the best time to book a flight to the ideal places to explore in both the cities, every information is compiled here to ensure a smooth travel experience for our travellers.
Video Guide from Jalgaon to Ahmedabad
Popular Flights to Ahmedabad
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Top Domestic Flight Routes
Airport Information
Jalgaon Airport, XJ69+HM7, Aurangabad - Ajanta - Jalgaon Rd, Mehrun, Tambapura, Jalgaon, Maharashtra 425003
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport, Hansol, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380003
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, there are duty-free shops to cater to the last-minute needs of travellers. Passengers can find books, magazines, chocolates, and travel-related accessories from the duty-free shops.
Only 1 flight from Jalgaon to Ahmedabad is scheduled and takes off once a week.
No, carrying food is not allowed on the flight. Passengers can only carry dry food items on the flight.
No. Ideally, it is not required. But one can pay a small amount as an insurance fee for their safety purpose.
Swaminarayan Temple Rani Ki Vav Modhera Sun Temple Bhadra Fort
The code for Jalgaon airport is JLG, and the code for Ahmedabad airport is AMD.
Domestic travel is not restricted in the city, but people taking flights from Jalgaon to Ahmedabad must follow these guidelines: Face masks are mandatory.Follow all the COVID-19 guidelines. State-wise restrictions must be followed.
The distance between Jalgaon to Ahmedabad is 554 Km. The aerial distance between the two cities is 381 Km.
The cheapest month to take a flight between Jalgaon to Ahmedabad is October.
Currently, TruJet is the only flight between Jalgaon to Ahmedabad.