Kanpur to Khajuraho Flights
Searching for flights from Kanpur to Khajuraho? You can now buy airline tickets at Adani One. The website will show you a complete price calendar to assist you in selecting the optimal flight. Simply enter the origin and destination cities and your date of travel. The portal will display an airfare calendar for all available airlines on the selected route such as Air India, IndiGo, Go First, Vistara, and Air Asia. You can then select the most suitable flight with the most acceptable airfare deals or cashback offers. If you know your complete itinerary, you can also book return flights and avail yourself of the discounts on your flight tickets. There are currently no direct flights from Kanpur to Khajuraho. However, there is a daily connecting flight from Kanpur to Khajuraho operated by SpiceJet with a 22-hour layover in New Delhi. Although flight timings may vary, this flight usually leaves Kanpur at 11:20 a.m. Another alternative would be to take a train or a bus to traverse the 220 km from Kanpur to Khajuraho.
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Airport Information
Kanpur Airport, C9R7+CMJ, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Khajuraho Airport, Khajuraho Airport Terminal Rd, Khajuraho Airport Area, Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh 471606