Lilabari to Guwahati Flights
Do you want to book a flight from Lilabari to Guwahati? If you want to travel from Lilabari to Guwahati, you can book a flight using Adani's one-stop platform. Just enter the names of the two cities to view the detailed airfare calendar and list of flights for your route. The platform lists most domestic airlines, such as IndiGo, Air India, AirAsia, and SpiceJet. Also, the platform assists you in locating special discounted airfares, flight ticket offers, and the most reasonably priced flights. Book in advance and get the benefit of many exciting cashback offers, air ticket deals, and discounts on flight bookings, lodging, and other services.If you have a set route you can book a return ticket as well. Want to maximise your savings, book a return ticket today!Currently, there are no direct flights between Lilabari to Guwahati. However, you can book a flight from Lilabari to Kolkata and then book another flight from Kolkata to Guwahati. There is a direct flight from Lilabari to Kolkata that takes 2 hours and 10 minutes. There are several direct flights from Kolkata to Guwahati, which take about 1 hour and 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can travel to Jorhat Airport from Lilabari and take a direct flight from Jorhat Airport to Guwahati, which takes about 50 minutes. Jorhat Airport is about 86 km away from Lilabari. Find all the required information about Lilabari to Guwahati flights on Adani's one-stop platform. In addition, get updates on flight status, cashback offers, and discount offers. Book the cheapest flight from Lilabari to Guwahati on Adani and get the best deals!
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Airport Information
Lilabari Airport, 73PV+X6J, Chaboti, Ujjalpur, Assam 787051
Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport, Borjhar, Guwahati, Assam 781015