Shimla to Dehradun Flights
Are you looking for a flight from Shimla to Dehradun? Well now buying tickets has become quite an easy task, thanks to growing technology, which has made all this possible. All travellers can now use Adani One to book flights from Shimla to Shimla to Dehradun . Adani One is a one-stop platform from where you can buy a flight to any city. All you need to do is to mention your destination and the travelling city and rest assured to get the flights at cheaper rates. Many domestic carriers like IndiGo, SpiceJet, Air India, AirAsia, etc., are listed on the platform offering great discounts to travellers.Currently, there is no direct flight from Shimla to Dehradun every day, but travellers can take connecting flights from Delhi and Chandigarh to Dehradun. The travellers can reach the nearest airport in Jubbarhatti (a round 23 km from Shimla), which is well connected by flights from Delhi and Kullu. Alternatively, the nearest airport to Shimla, Chandigarh Airport is nearly 123.4 km away. This route is served by numerous airlines, including IndiGo, SpiceJet and Vistara.The overall duration between Chandigarh to Dehradun flight is almost 5 hours with one layover at New Delhi. The overall distance between Shimla to Dehradun by road is around 223.6 km, while the distance between Shimla to Dehradun by air is 120 km. Travellers can check out Adani One’s online portal for the latest updates on Shimla to Dehradun flight status and get attractive cashback and offers.
Place to visit in Dehradun
Malsi Deer Park
Mindrolling Monastery
Tapkeshwar Temple
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Airport Information
Shimla Airport, 33M8+9R9, Shimla, Jubbarhatti, Himachal Pradesh 171011
Jolly Grant Airport - Dehradun, Airport Rd, Jauligrant, Uttarakhand 248143