Vadodara to Khajuraho Flights
Are you looking to book a Vadodara to Khajuraho Flight?
Check out Adani One, where you will be able to book air tickets without hassles. Whether you book a flight From Vadodara To Khajuraho or a return ticket from Khajuraho, Adani One will provide you with a detailed airfare calendar to help you choose a suitable flight at your convenience. You can pick the flight that best suits your schedule and avail of exciting discounts and cashback offers. All the domestic carriers, such as IndiGo, Go First, Air India, and Air Asia, are listed on the platform. On the Adani One flight booking portal, we regularly update the discounts and offers for direct and connecting flights. If you know your return date, we suggest you book a return ticket to enjoy more benefits of discounts.
Currently, there are no direct or connecting flights between Vadodara and Khajuraho. The most viable option is to travel to Jabalpur. There are 3 to 4 daily connecting flights from Vadodara to Jabalpur. Khajuraho is located at a distance of about 260 km from Jabalpur, and one can reach the city either by road or train after landing in Jabalpur. It generally takes about 6 hours to reach Khajuraho from Jabalpur. Adani One will display the list of the cheapest flights to help you find the most economical airfare. Check out the air ticket deals, cashback options, and offers and discounts while booking your flight. Take a look at the airfare calendar and book a Vadodara to Khajuraho flight ticket on Adani One today!
Place to visit in Khajuraho
Chaturbhuj Temple
Jagadambi Temple
Javari Temple
Kandariya Mahadeva Temple
Lakshmana Temple
Vishvanatha Temple
Place to visit in Vadodara
Ajwa Dam and Gardens
EME Temple
Kirti Stambh
Lakshmi Vilas Palace
Nazarbaug Palace
Sayaji Baug (Kamati Baug)
Popular Flights to Vadodara
Popular Flights from Vadodara
Top Domestic Flight Routes
Airport Information
Vadodara Airport, Civil Aerodrome, Harni Rd, Harni, Vadodara, Gujarat 390022
Khajuraho Airport, Khajuraho Airport Terminal Rd, Khajuraho Airport Area, Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh 471606