Puri Railway Station is one of the main railway stations in Puri. Approximately 108 trains pass through Puri Railway Station. Puri Railway Station code is (puri).
To get accurate and detailed information about the time schedule of Puri Railway Station Trains, you can view the Puri Railway Station Timetable on the Adani OneApp app or website. Puri Railway Station Timetable will provide you with appropriate information about various trains like the origin station and destination station of the trains, their timings, days of operation and the distance covered. After having a look at the Puri Railway Station timings, you can easily choose the best-suited train for your journey and book also book your train tickets through Adani OneApp at best prices and availing exciting discounts and offers. You can check the live train running status, train running history and PNR status through Adani OneApp in a few simple steps.