Sudharna (SDRA) to Kosli (KSI) Train Tickets Fare Starting @ ₹145 | 00h 06m | 5 kms | 2 Trains Available on This Route
Are you planning a trip from Sudharna to Kosli? Look no further, as train travel is the most convenient and budget-friendly option. Booking Sudharna to Kosli trains online has never been easier with Adani One. With a plethora of trains running on this route, it's the most preferred and efficient mode of transportation for commuting between these two cities. The daily frequency of trains ensures that you have flexibility in choosing your travel time. For accurate information regarding Sudharna to Kosli trains timetable and ticket prices, Adani One app or website is your go-to platform. The user-friendly interface, easy booking process, and attractive offers make it a seamless experience. Whether you're looking for regular or tatkal ticket booking for Sudharna to Kosli trains, Adani One has got you covered. So why wait? Book your Sudharna to Kosli train tickets now and embark on a comfortable and enjoyable journey with Adani One.
Book Sudharna (SDRA) to Kosli (KSI) Train Tickets
Sun, 09 Mar
Mon, 10 Mar
Tue, 11 Mar
Wed, 12 Mar
Thu, 13 Mar
Fri, 14 Mar
Sat, 15 Mar
Sun, 16 Mar
Mon, 17 Mar
Tue, 18 Mar
Wed, 19 Mar
Thu, 20 Mar
Fri, 21 Mar
Sat, 22 Mar
Sun, 23 Mar
Mon, 24 Mar
Tue, 25 Mar
Wed, 26 Mar
Thu, 27 Mar
Fri, 28 Mar
Sat, 29 Mar
Sun, 30 Mar
Mon, 31 Mar
Tue, 01 Apr
Wed, 02 Apr
Thu, 03 Apr
Fri, 04 Apr
Sat, 05 Apr
Sun, 06 Apr
Mon, 07 Apr
Train Name and Number | Departure | Duration | Arrival | Price | |
14029 ALL DAYS | 11:11 AM SDRA Sudharna | 00h 06m | 11:17 AM KSI Kosli | ₹145 | |
14725 ALL DAYS | 06:53 AM SDRA Sudharna | 00h 06m | 06:59 AM KSI Kosli | ₹145 |
Sudharna(SDRA) to Kosli(KSI)Train Ticket Price
Min. Price
Sudharna(SDRA) to Kosli(KSI) Train Routes Details
Train Name and Number | Origin Time | Duration | Destination Time | No. of Stops |
SGNR DLI EXPRESS 14029 ALL DAYS | 11:11 AM SDRA Sudharna | 00h 06m | 11:17 AM KSI Kosli | 1 |
BNW MTJ EXP 14725 ALL DAYS | 06:53 AM SDRA Sudharna | 00h 06m | 06:59 AM KSI Kosli | 1 |
FAQs - Sudharna (SDRA) to Kosli (KSI) Trains
You can book Sudharna to Kosli train tickets with Adani OneApp easily through their official website or mobile app. Just select your travel dates, choose your preferred train, enter passenger details, and make the payment. Your e-ticket will be sent to you via email or SMS.
To find details about seat availability for Sudharna to Kosli trains, visit the Adani OneApp website or app. Enter your travel details to view available seats in different classes and their fares.
You can make a railway reservation for Sudharna to Kosli trains up to 60 days in advance.
To cancel train tickets online on Adani One, follow these steps: Go to the Adani OneApp website or app, find the ticket cancellation section, enter the required details, and follow the instructions to complete the cancellation.
Yes, you can book Tatkal tickets for Sudharna to Kosli trains on Adani One. However, Tatkal bookings open at specific times before the departure of the train, and it is recommended to check the exact timing on the Adani OneApp platform.
The maximum number of passengers that can be reserved in a single train ticket booking from Sudharna to Kosli depends on the availability of seats for the chosen train. It is recommended to check the specific guidelines on the Adani OneApp platform.
Adani OneApp offers a user-friendly interface for booking Sudharna to Kosli train tickets, provides reliable information about train schedules, and ensures a seamless booking experience with various payment options and customer support.
For Tatkal tickets from Sudharna to Kosli, the reservation can be done one day in advance of the actual date of journey, excluding the day of departure of the train.
Yes, you can upgrade your class of travel for Sudharna to Kosli trains, subject to the availability of seats and any applicable fare difference. This can be done through the Adani OneApp website or app, where you initially booked the ticket.
To get the latest online information about your train booking from Sudharna to Kosli, including PNR status, train running status, and any updates, you can visit the Adani OneApp website or app. Additionally, you can use the rail enquiry services provided by Indian Railways through their official website or other authorized platforms.
Yes, it may be possible to change the boarding point after booking a ticket, depending on the specific rules and conditions set by the railway authorities and Adani One. You can check the official guidelines and contact customer support for assistance with changing the boarding point.
NTES (National Train Enquiry System) is a web-based train tracking and information service provided by Indian Railways that allows passengers to check real-time train running status, train schedule, and other related details. You can use the NTES service to check the train running status online when traveling from Sudharna to Kosli.
The station code for Sudharna Junction is [station code] and for Kosli Junction is [station code]. You can use these station codes for easier access to information and ticket bookings.
There are [number] railway stations in Kosli, providing connectivity and options for train departures and arrivals within the region.
Sudharna has [number] railway stations, serving as vital points of transit and departure for train journeys to various destinations.
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