Eager to know which trains pass through a specific station? With just a click on "Get Station Detail," you will access the complete list of trains that pass through the selected station. Uncover the daily train schedules, including arrival and departure times, halt duration, and platform numbers. Explore beyond the daily routes and find trains that operate on a weekly basis as well.

Book Your Train

Why to Check Railway Stations Details on Adani OneApp

While planning your train journey, passengers need to take care of several factors, including knowing platform number. Adani OneApp offers one solution to all queries. Below are the following benefits:

Accurate information: Passengers can get exact information regarding train listings when they plan to travel for business, work, or vacation. It offers precise details about the railway station on which your train is expected to arrive or depart, thus making your journey hassle-free.

Number of stations: If you are going for a long journey and there are numerous stations on which the trains will stop. Now, with Adani OneApp, you can accurately know the halt duration of each station which comes in your journey. This helps passengers to plan their journey in terms of boarding the train at a specific station or getting down at any other station midway. This adds to their comfort, especially when there are several railway stations from originating to arrival.

Trains information: Apart from knowing the name of the railway station on which you are expected to board the train, passengers can also get to know other relevant information such as DEMU trains listings or platform number. Likewise, passengers can also track MEMU trains information. This provides a great help to those who are planning to travel by these trains.

Frequently Asked Questions

Passengers, who are traveling from one destination to another, need to know the exact railway station from which their train will board. This is useful in knowing everything about your train journey well in advance.
Ans: You need to sign in to Adani OneApp with your credentials. You need to enter “station name or code” to get information about all trains that pass through that station. On Adani OneApp, you can also check the information about passenger trains.
On Adani OneApp, you can click on the name of the station of your choice and will then get the station list that will have details about trains that begin at, pass through, or finish at station.
Yes, you will get all details for each train on the station detail page, including arrival time, departure time, halt duration, and platform number.
On the station list, the name of each station is shown alongside the station code in brackets. You can find this information on Adani OneApp easily, including other relevant information such as train seat availability.
When booking the railway tickets, passengers must be careful with the information they provide. Since your personal information is publicly pasted on train after the chart is prepared, so, it can be stolen Avoid using PAN information as identification evidence since this is the best method to safeguard yourself from fraudulent transactions. Also, don't use your PAN card as identification when booking railway tickets.
Yes, you can find the names of all the trains that begin, pass through, or terminate at a specific station on a list of stations. On Adani OneApp, you can check the train's route by clicking on the train's name. Also, you can track train between station on the app.
Yes, the majority of trains feature pantry cars. In trains without this feature, catering is also offered.
There are waiting rooms at all major stations. Upon showing of the ticket, they are free to use.
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