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Know Trains Live Status
Different Ways to Spot IRCTC Train Online
To find out if your train live status, you may use a variety of internet resources or the Centre for Railway Information System (CRIS) website, which is supported by the government. If, for example, you are taking the Sealdah Rajdhani (train number 12314) from New Delhi to Kolkata, all you need to do is put your train number to find the location of the mentioned train. The linking page to the website shows the start date of the trip, then display the train's status, the station it is at, if it is delayed, and how many hours and time it is delayed for. You will only know the name of the station, for example, Mumbai, but also the platform number on which the train is put up. Central aware of the platform the train is on in addition to the station's name, for example, Kanpur Central. This also entails the overall distance covered by the train.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Spot Your Train online function may not always provide you with the information you need. This may be the result of any of the following:
- The specified train number or train name is invalid; hence the trains live running status cannot be obtained.
- Some specific trains do not run on the selected dates.
- Sometimes information cannot be obtained from the Indian Railways system owing to network issues or congestion.
- Due to poor or no internet network on your device, this information cannot be collected while checking the live train status through your mobile device or laptop.